
Friday, August 1, 2008

Digg Recommendation Engine Updates

Anton Kastby Anton Kast

Hi all,

It’s been a month since we’ve rolled out the Recommendation Engine, and we’ve found that you’re Digging more than ever. Now that we have thirty days under our belt, we wanted to share out some stats and give you a heads up on some of the improvements we are working on to make the Recommendation Engine even better. Some statistics:

- Digging activity is up significantly: the total number of Diggs increased 40% after launch.
- The Recommendation Engine is running strong: at any given point in time, the system is generating over 54 Million Recommendations, with the average Digger having nearly 200 Recommendations from an average of 34 “Diggers like you”.
- Friend activity/friends added is up 24%.
- Commenting is up 11% since launch.

Many of you completed the survey, thanks for all your feedback. We’re incorporating it into our next round of improvements, including:

- Adding more stories to the Recommendation Engine widget on the home page.
- Increasing the 30-day Digging window to a longer time frame, to get more Recommendations.
- Continued advances in the back-end algorithm to present you with more targeted Recommendations.

If you have feedback on the Recommendation Engine, we’d like to hear from you by filling out this quick survey or by adding your comments below. If you have yet to test drive the Recommendation Engine we encourage you to check it out. It’s a great way to discover relevant upcoming content on Digg.

Thanks everyone,

Original here

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