
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Listen To Your Home Music Library On Your iPhone With Simplifymedia


Simplify Media is an extraordinary new application which allows you to wirelessly connect to up to 30 people's computers in order to stream their music. And now with an iPhone version of the application, you can wirelessly listen to your home (or friends' home) computer music on-the-go. It's amazing!


The Simplify Media app allows you to enjoy your home music collection from work (or from anywhere) on the go. More importantly, you can access the music collection of up to 30 of your friends, and they can access yours -- as long as you approve each other first.

Here's a demo video:

The service is free, easy, universal, and fast. All you need to do is create a free account.

To access all your music from your iPhone & iPod Touch:

1. Download the Simplify Media app from the App Store [iTunes Link - free for first 100,000 users - $3.99 after that].

2. Start the app on your iPhone


3. Download Simplify Media onto your computer here (works with Windows, Mac, Linux)

4. Install the application and create a free account (remember your username and password)

5. Choose which music libraries you'd like to share (iTunes, WinAmp, your "Music" folder, etc...)

6. Log in on your iPhone using the same username and password from step 4


7. You will now see your library and the libraries of your added friends (Step #10 explains how to add friends)


8. Choose a library (your own or one of 30 friends), artist, and song


9. Ta Da!!! You are wirelessly listening to music from your home (or friend's home)! You can toggle between artist bio and lyrics.

Yes -- the app provides you with instant lyrics for every song.

10. To add a friend, press "Invite" and simply enter his Simplify Media screen name. You can also send an invite to a newbie via e-mail. All your incoming requests are displayed right in your Simplify Media window on your computer.

That's it for Simplify Media. It comes as no surprise that such an application was rated "Top 10 Downloads of 2007" by CNet. Just remember one thing. Before you accept friend requests, make sure you go and delete your old Backstreet Boys albums (or atleast hide them).


Developer of Tris (Tetris like Application) thanked hackers in the "about box" section of his application. Keep in mind that this application is part of the Apple's app store. [image]
Original here

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