
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Boxee Officially Goes Public, Adds BBC iPlayer and Joost Content

Posted by Aviv

Boxee, a service which lets users play and view their music, videos and photos on a connected laptop, HDTV or Apple TV, has officially stepped out of private alpha and into the public eye. Users can now sign up for Boxee on the company’s website, as they claim “you are now free to be entertained.”

Boxee takes some of the major content providers around today, Hulu, Netflix, CBS, Comedy Central,, and flickr, as well as your own digital music, photos, videos and pretty much any other file in any format and gives you the control to browse, playback and enjoy all of this on your HDTV or connected computer. Up until now the service has been in a private alpha growing to a nearly 200,000+ installed user base.

Most users have needed to request a confirmation code to join Boxee and experience the service. As of today, this has changed. Boxee has gone public and anyone can sign up now. Boxee is currently available for Mac, Ubuntu and Apple TV customers, with the Windows version moving into private alpha as the rest move away from it.

Boxee explains on their company blog: boxee’s private alpha went well beyond our expectations. over 200,000 people signed up.. today we’re opening our alpha to all Mac, Ubuntu and Apple TV users. Windows is also moving into private-alpha (which means you still need to get invited, but we’re going to release thousands of invites every week). bear with us as we scale…)

Gizmodo has a handy guide for maxing out the potential of your Apple TV with boxee.

Original here

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